Air Cleaner Options
1):Modify your own from my drawings included in each kit, or 2):Purchase a Keihin Air Cleaner back plate that I modify for $75.00.
Keihin Air Cleaner Back for $75.00
For those who would like to save their original Linkert Air Cleaner Back, I offer a modified Keihin Air Cleaner Back from V-Twin Mfg. for $75.00. The picture below shows a modified "Original Style" on the left, and this "Back-Only" on the right. Originally, this new back has a strap across the front to support a large center mounting screw (which I remove), and I also have to weld-up a breather hole. I have to make, and install the (4) rivets to support the "J-Slot Indian Script" chrome cover that you are presently using. I also have to make and weld on a metal tab for mounting the carb's choke cable. It takes me (2) hours to modify one of these.
The Air Cleaner Modification
I provide a sheet with templates in my CV carb kit if you wish to modify an Air Cleaner back by yourself. An original style Linkert AC back must have a special tab made, and welded on to support the carb's choke cable. A large piece of the AC back must be cut out, and replaced with a new patch, so that the (4) mounting holes, and the carb opening hole can be drilled, and cut to accommodate the Keihin carb. For a semi-skilled fabricator, this is not a difficult job. It takes me (3) hours to complete one. The picture below shows the area to cut out, and the placement for the choke tab.
Important-Read Each Catagory Below for Full Details!